SF-CLSA April Meeting Notes

April 2024
The April 16, 2024 Meeting Notes.
Mylar submttals to CCSF.
Lou Clem led the discussion. General discussion and review of the SF-CLSA instructions for mylar submittals. Mr. Clem discussed the guidelines with the chapter and comments were in general agreement. Attendees acknowledged that the survey community needs to take more caution with submittals.
The chapter will suggest that this become policy, accepted by the city/co. surveyor office and sent to the survey community. RH will draft a letter to include this suggestion. LINK for 022403 Newsletter
The Jerry Mahun March presentation:
The general response from attendees was that the presentation was well done and also necessary. Mr. Mahun lifted the hood on Least Squares software, a much needed and appreciated presentation. The mandate for further education is supported by attendees. SF-CLSA will pursue additional presentations.
As promised, a list of presentations by Prof. Mahun available at Mentoring Mondays: See Weeks 56, 57 and 121. 56 and 57 are essential, but 121 is an absolute must, what do the ALTA standard mean?
What’s your experience with CCSF Subdivision and Mapping:
Questions re status of things at CCSF. Org Chart? Who is in charge of survey mapping review/comments and processing? The survey community is concerned about the lack of communication from CCSF.
Second checkprints: can second checkprints that are returned quickly be moved up in the review queue? That would realize a quicker review and finalizing of a project.
Project priority: subdivision maps are the highest priority for review processing and project finalizing. General consensus of the survey community is a review and return of subdivision maps take higher priority.
ECP was settled out-of-court. ECP projects will be coming back to life.
What is policy at Planning? SF-CLSA meet with or invite someone from Planning to talk with SF-CLSA?
RH to e mail head of Planning. This may open further questions re subdivisions. Are site plans required? Schedule for the May SF-CLSA meeting?
May 21, 2024 will be a Zoom meeting, and June will see an in-person meeting before our summer break for July and August.
Welcome Oscar Osuna!
Zach+Rob. SF-CLSA We Built this City.